How to add cargo, RFQ


This tutorial will guide you through the steps of adding cargo to our system, ensuring that you provide all necessary details for the listing.


Welcome! In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of adding cargo to our system. So, let’s get started! First, click the "Add Cargo" button. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be redirected to the "Add Listing" page. Here, you will need to fill out the details in each field. First and foremost, we need to write a suitable title for our shipment. Always include the quantity, type of cargo, country of origin code, and postal code; the same applies to the destination country and postal code. This ensures that others can easily find your request. Once that's done, click on the Cargo category. Here, you'll be able to select the type of cargo. After that, we can also add a physical location. It's very important to remember that if there are any details you do not wish to disclose at this stage, you should avoid using the full address. Now, let’s fill out our cargo description. If you have keywords, you can add them here, separating each with a comma followed by a space. As we mentioned earlier about requirements, here you can easily use the checkbox to mark what is necessary. Once that's complete, click the "Next" button. Please note that the target price is intended for your private reference. If you have a budget expectation, you can enter it here to better manage your budget. This will not be visible to anyone else except you. Ensure that you select the origin and destination countries from the dropdown list. As it only involves 2 EUR pallets, there’s no need to change the size group. Now, let’s input the weight in kilograms. Enter the basic data, ensuring you include the country code along with the postal number. If the loading date is not "fixed," we recommend clearing the pre-written date by selecting it and deleting it from your keyboard. Then, proceed by clicking "Next." If you have images of the shipment that you'd like to include, you can upload them here by clicking "Add New." When you’re done, proceed by clicking "Next." Note that by default, your ad will be displayed for two days to maintain an up-to-date system. Once you have completed the basics, ensure you click the checkbox to confirm you are human. Finally, hit the "Save" button to add the cargo to the system. There you go! Now you've successfully uploaded your first shipment.